Lucas Harrison was the most loving, kind, gentle and happiest child you would ever meet. Although he had special needs due to being born with a Chromosome 2 abnormality, he was the most perfect child in every sense of the word. Known for big hugs, a crazy laughter and a beautiful smile, he would make you feel better just by being in his presence. You could be having the worst of days and Lucas would make everything so much better just by his caring demeanor. If he saw you in the hall, he would yell at the top of his lungs your name with his arms wide open. He never met a stranger as he would immediately become your best friend. Whether meeting him once standing in line in a grocery store or seeing him every day, you just felt better about life by being around him. He taught us that no matter how hard life is all that really matters is love and happiness.
Lucas loved school, not only did he love to learn but he loved the socialization part of it. He didn’t like half days or when he had days off because he wanted to be with his friends and teachers all the time. The joy on his face when that bus came to pick him up everyday was priceless. At the same time the bus drivers and teachers loved to see him as well. Even teachers from different rooms would find an excuse to go to Lucas’ class just to hear him say “Hello!” or “Good Morning!”

Everyone knew that Lucas did not have a filter when speaking and that is what made him so genuine. No matter what he said or did, you could not help but smile or occasionally laugh out loud. Lucas also did not like it if anyone was ever mad at him. In fact, he hated it. All he ever wanted to do is please anyone who crossed his path. In the very few times he got into trouble for saying something inappropriate or acting up he absolutely hated being punished. He would try to manipulate the situation by kissing whoever punished him and sweet talk them. It was extremely hard to stay mad at him or punish him. His smile would melt your heart.
In December 2018, Afsoon and the whole family lost a true hero, her father Bijan. Lucas helped her and the rest of us through our grief. He would wipe Afsoon’s tears and say “I miss him too mom.” Or ”everything will be okay.” He knew how to comfort everyone no matter the circumstances and he always had the right words or made the right gesture to comfort us. Little did we know then that Afsoon’s dad left this world to get ready for our precious baby boy. Lucas was and always will be everyone’s best friend.

On July 23, 2020, the most unspeakable, heart-wrenching tragedy happened as Lucas drowned at a special needs’ day camp. In an instant an entire community mourned for the loving boy everyone loved so much.
The Live Like Lucas Foundation was born to keep alive the sweet and kindness Lucas gave us. Our goal is to continue his spread of joy and happiness to those he loved and especially to those he loved most, the special needs community. We want all special needs individuals like Lucas to feel loved and truly believe that they belong. We want to provide opportunities for these individuals to achieve acceptance into the community and their peers. And we also want to support individuals (therapists, teachers, mentors, etc) that can help bring the love Lucas gave to so many more people.
Lucas loved before he did anything else. He loved every person he met. He didn’t see disability, gender, race, celebrity, rich, poor… He only saw people to love. That is what set him apart. And thru his example this is why we should all strive to Live Like Lucas!